Monday, January 11, 2010

The Week Begins Again!

Call me crazy but I like Mondays!  A new start to a new week...filled with plans and promise.  It is like a blank page ready to be filled with whatever comes your way.  

This week I plan on lots and lots of rehearsal for Jerry's Girls at Footlite Musicals in Indianapolis.  I am both excited and terrified at the prospect of opening night!  It is a cabaret setting so the audience is right there in front of you.  With this being the final rehearsal week, there won't be much time for anything else...until maybe Saturday.  So it is work and rehearse to fill my days!

How about your week?  What do you have planned to fill it up? 


Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Furkids

At the end of October we were adopted by this sweet little guy.

We decided to name him Jasper...he has been so much fun for us....but not for Max, our 11 year-old dog.  Jasper has tried and tried but Max just wasn't having anything to do with a cat.  That was until this evening...I couldn't believe it!  Finally Jasper was able to share the couch with his big brother!!!  At first, Max growled a little. 

And, for maybe a total of five minutes, there was a truce!  I think Jasper might be winning him over!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Website for Wednesday

Ah...New Year and new beginnings!  Maybe this year you have resolved to get you blog looking better.  Well, do I have the website for you!  I am not sure how I found this site but I am sure glad I did.  I got my 3-column layout and it was soooo easy.  Please check out LeelouBlogs!!!

Leelou Blogs

There are so many beautiful and FREE layouts and if you don't find something to your liking you can get something custom made for your needs!  And another cool thing...each month there is a FREE desktop theme.  I love the January one!   

So check out LeeLouBlogs and let me know what you think!