Are you addicted to fabric and yarn and have as stash that has taken over shelves, closets and maybe entire rooms???? Here is a perfect solution ~ donate to Iraqi Bundles of Love. Please read the quote below for more information and visit the blog to learn how you can participate! This weekend I know I am going through my fabric and yarns stash and donating to this worthy cause!
Iraqi Bundles of Love — the intro « Iraqi Bundles of Love: "The general premise is this. I am in Iraq, and I can get mail through the US Postal System. Willing contributors can send to me a flat-rate box of sewing / quilting supplies, all bundled up. I’d open the box, pull out the fully-contained bundle, and hand it off (with others) to our counterparts in the Iraqi Security Forces (Army and others) or the local police, for them to distribute. Some of the bundles will also be delivered by US Soldiers. The stated intent of this operation is to put sewing and quilting and knitting supplies into the hands of two types of recipients: locals who desperately need such things, and local sewing co-ops and other small businesses who have received grants or loans (typically to purchase sewing machines, rent space, etc)."
What a big Pay It Forward this is! I know that I am blessed with more than enough. Some of my fabric and yarn has sat in bins and boxes for too long. The potential is wasted as long as it stays in that box. We take far too much for granted. Just imagine if how the recipients will feel when they open each bundle. What joy such a small gesture will bring to someone in need.
Time is limited for this project!! Please visit the IBOL blog and you will find all the information you need to obtain the address and how-to's on packing your bundle. God bless our military men and women.
Friday, August 28, 2009
LisaJHoney is Featured
I was just going through my emails and I opened my daily delivery from To my delight at the very end was a picture that looked very familar...a member of our FFESTy family has been featured!!!
Lisa Johnson is an extremely talented artist. Her felt creations make my mouth water! Here is a sampling of her lovely work...

WE are proud to have Lisa as a member of the Facebook Fans on Etsy Street Team (FFEST) and look forward to seeing more of her faux mouth-watering creations!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Little Thread that Could
I am constantly amazed at the power of the internet. On July 20, 2009 I began a thread on the Etsy forum just to get enough fans so that my Facebook fan page could have a simpler URL. Did I even think that over a month later I would still be posting to that thread? Well, of course not! Not only is the thread over 800 posts long, but there are at least a couple of posts on the thread daily.
As the thread became active, I had the bright idea of forming a group on Facebook. Through that group I met some really nice and talented Estians. Then I made the comment about an Etsy Street Team for Facebook Fans. Before I knew the core group came together and we started laying the foundation for our team.
Last week, FFEST (Facebook Fans on Etsy Street Team) became official and we are slowly adding to our membership ranks. There are some awesome members who are planning contests, giveaways, scavenger hunts etc. We have an official FFEST forum, a Blog, a very vibrant banner and avatar, and a twitter account.

When I began the facebook fans thread did I even consider that it would turn into a team? Nope! But I am sure happy it did! Please stop by the thread and fan some pages...and ♥ some shops!
When fanning a fan page on FB, make sure you leave the link to your fan page. That makes it so much easier to fan you back!! If you go through the Etsy thread you will find hundreds of pages to fan! Good luck on reaching the goal of 100 for the vanity URL! And don't forget to stop by the Etsy shops and leave a heart or is just good karma!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Aug 28 Blog Carnival - Favorite Food
This is a tough question...I have lots of foods I love to eat. There are certain times of the year when I enjoy some favorites, like fresh cucumbers and tomatoes right out of the garden. Then there are the special dishes like macaroni and cheese made from scratch that we only have during the holidays. On the coldest days of winter, homemade chicken soup would be my favorite. There are just too many to pick from.
Then it hit me...crab cakes! Not just any crab cakes! I LOVE the ones we get at Oceanaire Restaurant. I can't even begin to describe them. No fillers, just pure sweet lump crabmeat. I have always loved crab since growing up on the east coast and eating them on picnic tables covered in paper and the cooked crabs just dumped in the middle. Everyone would grab some crabs and a wooden hammer and a nut cracker and go to town. When every one was finished there would only be a large pile of shells left. Tough to get crabs like that in landlocked Indy!
That's favorite food...crab cakes! Yum!
Then it hit me...crab cakes! Not just any crab cakes! I LOVE the ones we get at Oceanaire Restaurant. I can't even begin to describe them. No fillers, just pure sweet lump crabmeat. I have always loved crab since growing up on the east coast and eating them on picnic tables covered in paper and the cooked crabs just dumped in the middle. Everyone would grab some crabs and a wooden hammer and a nut cracker and go to town. When every one was finished there would only be a large pile of shells left. Tough to get crabs like that in landlocked Indy!
That's favorite food...crab cakes! Yum!
August Etsyblogger - Memories for Life Scrapbooks
I was so excited to hear that Edi from Memories for Life Scrapbooks was chosen as the August Etsyblogger! This gal is talented with a capital T! She makes the cutest scrapbooks. I love all her embellishments! She is an active and supportive member of the Etsybloggers team. She is always the one to post a comment on a friend's blog. Here is a small sample of her creations...
How about this trendy little notebook?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Watch Out ~ There's a New Team In Town!!
Just about a month ago, I started a thread in the Etsy forums to gain my Facebook Fans for my Etsy shop's fan page. Little did I know that 68 pages and 668 posts later the thread would still be alive and well. Please visit the thread if you are looking for people to fan your page. This all lead to a discussion on Facebook about forming a team. One little comment began to snowball until....

I must thank the following wonderful people that went above and beyond the call of duty to see this through!

And there are others I will save for another post. Please stop by these shops!! Also, look for the tag, FFEST, to find other Facebook Fans on Etsy.
etsy street team,
etsybloggers team,
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday Feature ~ Facebook Fan
What first caught my eye was his colorful avatar. I had been given advice once to have a colorful and unique avatar so people will remember your shop...his fits the bill! I browsed his shop and found a number of glass items that I would love to have and that would be perfect for gift giving! Below you will find a few items that I like.

As I browsed I saw that there quilted items available...a man that sews beautifully, who knew?
Goose Droppings Mini Wall Quilt
So please stop by Glasstastic and browse the wonderful items. Also, visit his Facebook Fan Page and fan him (as I write this he has 38 fans)...if you leave your page link I think he just might fan you back!!
Go and make it an awesome day!!
God bless!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What's Up Wednesday!!!
Do I have news?! Lots of happenings in my life and online. Blessings are abundant in my life and I am so grateful. Here is a bit of what has been happening...
On Monday, my daughter, Emily, and I auditioned for "My Fair Lady" together. I was keeping my fingers and toes crossed we would both make the show. We got the calls last night and we are in the ensemble together! We did this a couple of years ago at the same theater and it was fun. I can't wait to get started!
Last night, I had a night off from theater since we are finished rehearsing the current show I am in, Fiddler on the Roof, and we have only two more shows this weekend. I decided to start getting the crap...oops!....I mean, Craft room back in order. Over this summer it had become a haven for anything that came under the category of "Where should we put it?". The answer always seemed to be the craft room. I did get a great start...there is now a walkway to my craft table, my beading supplies are all in one spot, fabric scraps are together in one basket and my table has been cleared of miscellaneous paperwork! It is still not pretty but it is a much better work environment.
As I was putting things away, I started to look at the tubs of finished items I have...and I have more than I thought I did! I really need to get to posting these items! I have some cloche hats that need just a little embellishment, scarves, more cotton cloths, and other various crocheted items looking for a new home. My goal is to get photos and postings done by September 1. That gives me almost a month so that seems doable. Plus, I can't sell them if I don't post them.
Another thing that has been occupying my time is Facebook. I truly believe that this can be a great networking tool for sellers on Etsy. I began a thread in the Etsy forums on July 20th asking "Do you need Facebook fans?" I am amazed this thread still has life!!! I just wanted to get over 100 fans for my Etsy shop's facebook fan page. I am quickly coming up on 270 and I have began a group on Facebook called Facebook Fans on Etsy. It has already gotten 101 members! That tells me this is a direction that needs to be explored. If you have any tech savy and would like to help, please let me know!! I could definitely learn from you!
That's a bit of catching up for time I will try and post something lovely with pictures! Don't forget to check back on Friday when I feature one of my Facebook Fans!!!
God bless!
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