Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's A Balancing Act

Life truly is a balancing, work, play, crafting, budgets etc. Somehow we always seem to make it through. Right now, balancing seems to be all I do. Rehearsal for the show are kicking into high gear with only one or two nights off each week. I am constantly trying to find even the smallest sliver of time to grab my crochet hook and get busy. I am looking for small projects that are portable. Then it is finding the time to get photos and put them up for sale in my shop. That takes much longer than I thought it would. It is worth it in the can lead to sales!!!

My biggest balancing struggle is budget. With the price of gas and groceries, I am really pinching pennies. I still get child support but that doesn't come on a regular basis. That is my dilema! How can I budget not knowing when or if it will come? Well, friends, it is all about faith. Just when I thought I would need to cash in the savings account to cover the bills, I got a big chunk of change!!! I kept telling myself that God will provide and everything will be okay and it was! What a blessing!! It is such a frustrating situation but I held on to my Faith. Today, my bank balance will more than cover my bills! I have been blessed with abundance. God is good indeed!!

I just needed to share. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find your special blessing today!

1 comment:

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Thanks for sharing - that's so encouraging to hear!